As we look into carrier’s network cost and revenue, it seems that carriers are struggling with rise in network cost with decline in revenue per subscriber, and as a result they are exploring innovative ways to reduce CAPEX and OPEX.
Constituting 60%- 80% of network cost, RAN is one of the largest cost components and it requires a paradigm shift that enables development of new age RAN which is cloud native, software centric and vendor agnostic. vRAN/ORAN is a new paradigm in building and deploying networks, offering flexibility and agility. vRAN/O-RAN is based on disaggregation and openness principles which lead to innovation and brings efficiency in the networks.
ORAN complementing 5G deployments
The disaggregation of hardware and software along with openness provides flexibility to mix and match various components from ecosystem players. The disaggregation and programmability help to cater to 5G-wide use cases through moving functions either towards the edge for latency sensitive applications or centrally for massive number of connections type of applications.
Intel enabling high performance open RAN networks
The choice of each component is critical to determine the performance of the overall deployed solution. The underlying infrastructure needed to build a RAN DU/CU (distributed unit/Central unit) is a server based on Intel® architecture optimized to run real time RAN functions.
Intel’s FlexRAN™ reference architecture provides the flexibility and performance needed to dimension the network to the required capabilities in different form factors. FlexRAN also enables a cloud-native approach, which helps operators integrate AI/ML functionality into their networks to enable automation for greater efficiencies.
TechM enabling transformation towards 5G based ORAN networks
To build and integrate the disaggregated hardware and software components requires telecom and IT expertise, with the ability and expertise to deliver a production level deployable solution. Tech Mahindra, as a trusted transformation partner, has vast expertise in seamlessly integrating a multi-partner ecosystem in their vRAN/ORAN journey at an affordable cost.
Conclusion -
Intel’s FlexRAN reference architecture has accelerated the growth of vRAN/ORAN deployments and is now playing a pivotal role in vRAN/ORAN transformation. Virtualized RAN provides operators the agility, flexibility and broad ecosystem of solutions providers for broader supply chain & procurement options. The integration of vRAN/ORAN components entails the partnership with TechM on deploying multi-Partner ecosystem disaggregated RAN with desired service excellence.
For more Information-
1. Link of MWC
2. Link to Flex RAN
3. Link of Tech M NS portfolio