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Industry Solution Builders University

Industry Solution Builders University

Displaying Course for : All Courses
Chapter 1: Introduction Total Chapters: 5

AI in Retail Workshop

(No Rating Yet)

Artificial IntelligenceContainersOpenVINO™ Media AnalyticsRetail
AI Ready Infrastructure for Retail Total Chapters: 1

AI Ready Infrastructure for Retail

(No Rating Yet)

ContainersOpenVINO™ Smart RetailIntel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsRetail
Future of the Utility Market - Utility 2.0 Total Chapters: 1

Future of the Utility Market - Utility 2.0

(No Rating Yet)

Artificial IntelligenceIndustrialVirtualizationUtilitiesTransportation
Chapter 1: Overview and AI intro Total Chapters: 5

Revolutionizing Retail

(No Rating Yet)

Smart RetailComplianceArtificial IntelligenceAR/VRRetail
Chapter 1: Intel Hardware Tools & Solutions for AI Total Chapters: 2

Intel Industrial AI Guide

(No Rating Yet)

ContainersIoTUtilitiesVideo AnalyticsOpenVINO™
Chapter 1: Intel Atom® X7000 Processor Series for Industrial Edge Total Chapters: 1

Intel Atom® x7000 Processor Series for Industrial Edge

(No Rating Yet)

Artificial IntelligenceIndustrialOpenVINO™ uCPE
Chapter 1: Accelerating Industrial Digital Transformation and Sustainability Total Chapters: 1

Accelerating Industrial Digital Transformation and...

(No Rating Yet)

IndustrialIoTArtificial IntelligenceVirtualization
Chapter 1: Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors Total Chapters: 2

Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors

(No Rating Yet)

OpenVINO™ GovernmentSmart CitiesRetailMachine Learning
Chapter 1: Kata Containers – The Speed of containers, the security of Virtual Machines Total Chapters: 2

Kata Containers

(No Rating Yet)

Chapter 1: Architecture Overview Total Chapters: 4

Container Bare Metal Reference Architecture (BMRA)

4.85 (536 rating)


Chapter 1: Architecture Overview Total Chapters: 4

Container Bare Metal Reference Architecture (BMRA)

4.68 (19 rating)


Chapter 1: Secure Cloud Native Platform Overview Total Chapters: 3

Secure Cloud Native Network Platform

4.53 (8 rating)


Cloud Native
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