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Intel® Telco Cloud Academy

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Intel® Telco Cloud Academy

Intel is helping the industry power the possibilities of 5G and beyond, working alongside our customers as a trusted partner and helping them architect their networks, from core to access to edge. Intel® Telco Cloud Academy is an enhanced training program covering the continued Network Transformation to Telco Cloud Networking with separate training modules covering key business and network segment differentiation, a broad summary of technologies critical to Telco Cloud and best-practice guidance on Intel Network Platform architecture and implementation.

Speed up a Network of Possibilities with Intel® Industry Solution Builders University!

For more information on the Intel® Telco Cloud Academy view our Extended Video, Site Map and Syllabus.

Folder Icon Total Courses: 13

Intel Telco Cloud Transformation​

The Telco Cloud continues to evolve to support new opportunities with the need to manage existing and new services from the Network Edge to the Core, where new business models, services and innovation demand operational agility, resource utilization, efficiency and scalability to improve Total Cost of Ownership and improved end user experience.
Folder Icon Total Courses: 19

Telco Cloud Technologies​

Network transformation is adopting software disaggregation using a Cloud Native approach, capable of running scalable applications across Cloud deployments. Intel Telco Cloud technologies enable Cloud Native deployment models where containerized microservices empowers CoSPs to deploy composable applications anywhere in the infrastructure.
Folder Icon Total Courses: 15

Intel Network Platform Capabilities and Best Practice Guidance

Scaling a common hardware architecture across the cloud, network, and edge saves you time and resources, and further extends your existing software investments. Intel Network Platform delivers a complete and proven set of network technology solutions as the foundation for the Telco Cloud Network.