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Industry Solution Builders University

Industry Solution Builders University

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Chapter 1: Speeding the Path to Flexible, Scalable, Cloud Native Networks Total Chapters: 2

Communications Service Providers and the Telco Cloud

4.78 (54 rating)


Network SlicingIntel® FPGAVisual CloudCentral OfficeIoT
Chapter 1: Transformation Technologies for Cloud Networking Total Chapters: 1

Transformation Technologies for Cloud Networking

4.69 (16 rating)


Radio Access NetworkIntel® Select SolutionsNFVCentral OfficeBenchmarking
Chapter 1: Industry AI Adoption Total Chapters: 4

Intel Platform Capabilities Supporting AI Machine...

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsCPEMachine LearningCloud NativeNetwork Transformation
Chapter 1: 5G Wireless Core Transition and Trends Total Chapters: 2

Industry Leading Platforms for the 5G Wireless Core

4.69 (29 rating)


Telco CloudIMSNetwork SlicingIntel® Platform Firmware Resilience (Intel® PFR)Confidential Computing
Chapter 1: AI Transformation with Intel Total Chapters: 2

Network Enterprise Security AI

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® QuickAssist TechnologyEnterpriseSecure Access Service Edge(SASE)Intel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsIntel® Select Solutions
Chapter 1: Open vSwitch (OvS) Total Chapters: 3

Open Virtual Switching (OvS) for Networking

4.86 (7 rating)


Data CenterCloud NativeHybrid CloudArtificial IntelligenceCloud Computing
Chapter 1: Opportunities Created by a Cloud Infrastructure Total Chapters: 2

Cloud Infrastructure for Network Functions and Networking...

4.57 (7 rating)


Visual CloudCDNEthernet ProductsIntel® QuickAssist TechnologyNetwork Transformation
Chapter 1 - Origins of the Intel® Infrastructure Processing Unit (Intel® IPU) Total Chapters: 4

Introduction to the Intel® Infrastructure Processing...

(No Rating Yet)

Secure Access Service Edge(SASE)Artificial IntelligenceData CenterIntel® FPGATelco Cloud
Chapter 1: Introduction to Intel Power Management for Sustainability Total Chapters: 4

Intel Power Management Supporting Sustainability

(No Rating Yet)

VNFsTelco CloudCommunications Service Providers5GCloud Computing
Chapter 1: Enabling a Feature Rich Platform Total Chapters: 2

Resource Orchestration and Automation for Intel...

(No Rating Yet)

Artificial IntelligenceContainersCloud Service ProvidersNetwork TransformationMANO
Chapter 1: Core Network Elements Destined for Transformation Total Chapters: 1

Digital Transformation: Core Network Elements

4.65 (108 rating)


EPCuCPENetwork SlicingRadio Access NetworkVirtualization
Chapter 1: Improving Performance for 5G Wireless Core Total Chapters: 2

Intel Technologies Drive Performance Improvements for 5G...

4.69 (29 rating)


Telco CloudAnsible PlaybooksContainersIMSIntel® Select Solutions
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