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Optimize Intel® Xeon® Processors Performance Using Intel® QuickAssist Technology

Karen Shemer, Abhishek Khade and Georgii Tkachuk – Silicon Architecture Engineers, Network and Edge Group, Intel

Mar 02 2022 | 37 mins

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Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) is a mature technology that has been in the market for more than a decade and it has been adopted by Cloud, Networking, Storage and Big Data customers. Intel® QAT provides acceleration for 3 main services: Cryptographic Cipher & Hash, Public Key Crypto, and Compression/Decompression. Intel provides standard framework interfaces to abstract the interface to the Intel® QAT hardware. This webinar will review the API and application-level performance for applications such as IPsec, TLS, and QATZip compression libraries.

The Intel Network and Edge Group performance team will review performance on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family architecture using Intel® QAT in common applications and provide recommendations to optimize performance for several generations of Intel® QAT Intellectual Property (IP).

- Karen Shemer – Silicon Architecture Engineer, Network and Edge Group, Intel
- Abhishek Khade – Silicon Architecture Engineer, Network and Edge Group, Intel
- Georgii Tkachuk – Silicon Architecture Engineer, Network and Edge Group, Intel