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AI Ready Infrastructure for Retail

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Course Overview

Dive into the transformative world of AI in retail with guidance from Vicki Cantrell, a Solutions Engineer for edge infrastructure. This course covers essential deployment models, from standalone to distributed pipelines, and delves into Edge server architecture, store infrastructure, and AI workload placement. Learn how to seamlessly integrate AI applications, secure data, and optimize performance for real-time customer interactions. Whether you're scaling up or out, this module equips you with the knowledge to revolutionize retail environments. Get ready to elevate your AI deployment strategies and drive innovation in the retail space.

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AI Ready Infrastructure for Retail

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Chapter Overview

Dive into the transformative world of AI in retail with guidance from Vicki Cantrell, a Solutions Engineer for edge infrastructure. This course covers essential deployment models, from standalone to distributed pipelines, and delves into Edge server architecture, store infrastructure, and AI workload placement. Learn how to seamlessly integrate AI applications, secure data, and optimize performance for real-time customer interactions. Whether you're scaling up or out, this module equips you with the knowledge to revolutionize retail environments. Get ready to elevate your AI deployment strategies and drive innovation in the retail space.

Knowledge Gained

Smart Retail Intel® SGX Retail Artificial Intelligence OpenVINO™