AI VA Product Brief: One Solution Suite, Transforming Smart Cities
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Course Overview
Craig Hurst, Director of Software Strategy and Product Management in the Visual Cloud Division at Intel, provides an overview of the Open Visual Cloud as an open source project that offers a set of pre-defined reference pipelines for various target visual cloud use cases. He discusses the visual cloud design considerations from a communications service provider perspective and how Open Visual Cloud benefits the ecosystem. He later explains the Open Visual Cloud reference pipelines and how Intel is investing in technology to establish a common, scalable reference architecture for Visual Cloud.
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Chapter Overview
In this chapter, Craig Hurst, Director of Software Strategy and Product Management in the Visual Cloud Division at Intel, provides an overview of the Open Visual Cloud as an open source project that offers a set of pre-defined reference pipelines for various target visual cloud use cases. He discusses the visual cloud design considerations from a communications service provider perspective and introduces Scalable Video Technology (SVT) and end-to-end reference pipelines for visual cloud services.