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Network Functions Infrastructure Technologies

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Network Functions Infrastructure Technologies

NFV uses standard IT virtualization technology to migrate fixed-function boxes to software applications on a Commercial off the shelf (COTS) Intel Architecture-based server. Cloud Native is a development and deployment methodology that helps organizations reduce toil and create a dynamic environment capable of running scalable apps. Telco Cloud Infrastructure enables new services and innovation with efficient and flexible technologies where Service Providers can really benefit from the TCO advantage of standard IT platforms with an open architecture to help grow the ISV ecosystem for best-of-breed Networking Applications.

Courses in Sub-Module
01 Overview of Virtual Machines (VMs) and Containers for Telco Cloud

Intel® Network Builders

02 Cloud Native Microservices and Kubernetes

Intel® Network Builders

03 Node Feature Discovery in Kubernetes

Intel® Network Builders

04 Cloud Infrastructure for Network Functions and Networking as a Service

Intel® Network Builders

05 Network Functions for Enterprise and Cloud Networking

Intel® Network Builders
