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Industry Solution Builders University

Industry Solution Builders University

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Network Platform Reference System Architecture Configuration Profiles Total Chapters: 2

Intel Network Platform Reference System Architecture...

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® FlexRAN Reference ArchitectureIntel® QuickAssist TechnologyIntel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsTelco CloudIntel® FPGA
Chapter 1: Intel Network Platform Reference System Architecture Deployment Overview Total Chapters: 2

Intel Network Platform Reference Architecture Deployment...

(No Rating Yet)

Core NetworkCloud ComputingIntel® Optane™Cloud NativeIntel® SGX
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Reference System Architectures Total Chapters: 3

Intel Network Platform Network and Cloud Edge Reference...

(No Rating Yet)

Core NetworkIntel® SSDTelco CloudEthernet ProductsIntel® FPGA
Chapter 1: Industry Developments Total Chapters: 3

Secure Transport with Intel Platform Security Capabilities

(No Rating Yet)

Data AnalyticsAnsible PlaybooksIntel® FPGAEthernet ProductsCybersecurity
Chapter 1: Introduction to Intel Network Platform System Capabilities Total Chapters: 4

Introduction to Intel Network Platform System Software...

4.67 (6 rating)


Ethernet ProductsEnterpriseConverged EdgeIntel® FPGACloud Native
Chapter 1: AI Transformation with Intel Total Chapters: 2

Network Enterprise Security AI

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsArtificial IntelligenceIntel® SGXIntel® SSDIntel® FPGA
Chapter 1: Opportunities Created by a Cloud Infrastructure Total Chapters: 2

Cloud Infrastructure for Network Functions and Networking...

4.57 (7 rating)


Intel® QuickAssist TechnologyCryptographySD-WANBenchmarkingCloud Native
Chapter 1: Speeding the Path to Flexible, Scalable, Cloud Native Networks Total Chapters: 2

Communications Service Providers and the Telco Cloud

4.77 (52 rating)


Artificial IntelligenceEthernet ProductsWirelessMedia AnalyticsMEC
Chapter 1: Industry AI Adoption Total Chapters: 4

Intel Platform Capabilities Supporting AI Machine...

(No Rating Yet)

SD-WANIntel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsEnterpriseCloud NativeAnsible Playbooks
Chapter 1: 5G Wireless Core Transition and Trends Total Chapters: 2

Industry Leading Platforms for the 5G Wireless Core

4.69 (29 rating)


Enhanced Platform AwarenessNetwork SlicingCentral OfficeVNFsTelco Cloud
Chapter 1: Introduction to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Total Chapters: 3

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Solutions for Network...

(No Rating Yet)

CybersecurityCryptographyIntel® Infrastructure Processing Unit (Intel® IPU)Ansible PlaybooksCloud Service Providers
Chapter 1: Current Security Challenges Total Chapters: 2

Network Platform Security

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Intel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsHybrid CloudCloud Service ProvidersEnterpriseCore Network
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