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Industry Solution Builders University

Industry Solution Builders University

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DPDKXFD.ioXHyperscanXIntel® FlexRAN Reference ArchitectureXIntel® Smart EdgeXIntel® System StudioXKubernetesXOpenStackXOpenVINO™ XOVSXStorage Performance Development KitXVPPX
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Chapter 1: What is FD.io*? Total Chapters: 4

Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) Development: Fast Data...

4.81 (44 rating)


Cloud NativeFD.ioNFVuCPEVNFs
Chapter 1: Introduction to Network Platform Reference System Architecture Configuration Profiles Total Chapters: 2

Intel Network Platform Reference System Architecture...

(No Rating Yet)

Cloud ComputingIntel® Xeon® Scalable ProcessorsData CenterTelco CloudReference Implementation
Chapter 1: Intel Network Platform Reference System Architecture Deployment Overview Total Chapters: 2

Intel Network Platform Reference Architecture Deployment...

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® FPGAEnterpriseData Center5GTelco Cloud
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Reference System Architectures Total Chapters: 3

Intel Network Platform Network and Cloud Edge Reference...

(No Rating Yet)

Communications Service ProvidersCore NetworkData CenterCloud Service ProvidersEnterprise
Chapter 1: Introduction to Cloud Native Total Chapters: 3

Intel Enables Cloud Native Networking

4.74 (35 rating)


Storage as a ServiceSoftware-Defined StorageNetwork TransformationCloud ComputingIntel® SSD
Chapter 1: Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Communications Portfolio Total Chapters: 1

Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Communications Portfolio

(No Rating Yet)

CDNDPDKvRANRadio Access NetworkEthernet Products
Chapter 1: vRAN Security Reference System Architecture Total Chapters: 2

vRAN Security Reference System Architecture

(No Rating Yet)

vRANKubernetesRadio Access NetworkCryptographyArtificial Intelligence
Chapter 1: Secure Cloud Native Platform Overview Total Chapters: 3

Secure Cloud Native Network Platform

(No Rating Yet)

5GOpenStackCloud Service ProvidersEnterpriseCloud Native
Chapter 1: OpenStack* as the Platform Total Chapters: 5

Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) Operations: VNFs on...

4.79 (44 rating)


Chapter 1: vRAN Connectivity Overview Total Chapters: 3

Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Network Adapters for vRAN...

(No Rating Yet)

Intel® FlexRAN Reference ArchitecturevRANCommunications Service ProvidersRadio Access Network5G
Chapter 1: Virtualization and Automation of the Network Total Chapters: 4

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV): Meeting the...

4.62 (314 rating)


Artificial IntelligenceDPDKMANOVirtualizationNFV
Chapter 1: Intel Hardware Tools & Solutions for AI Total Chapters: 2

Intel Industrial AI Guide

(No Rating Yet)

OpenVINO™ IndustrialIoTCloud NativeArtificial Intelligence
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