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Intel® Network Builders Newsletter
    JULY 2016
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What's New?

What's New?

Register Now for Intel® Builders Summit at Intel Developer Forum (IDF)

On August 15, join us for the first Intel® Builders summit. Coinciding with the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, this exclusive event will drive partner collaborations and accelerate broad ecosystem innovation within the cloud, network, and storage arenas toward optimized solution delivery aimed at specific customer use cases.

The agenda will cover top-of-mind topics such as the new technologies driving orchestration and optimization and the security challenges data centers are facing today. Learn from our experts, engage directly with peers, and hear first-hand from customers ready to share their roadmap development. Open to all Intel Builders ecosystem partners, this is a not-to be-missed event and the perfect way to kick off this year's IDF activities.

The event will take place from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, with an evening meet-up from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Visit our website to check out the full agenda.



Welcome Our New Ecosystem Partners

With more than 210 ecosystem partners, the Intel® Network Builders program continues to grow! We welcome new partner CENX. We also welcome new end user members MTS and VimpelCom.

To see all our ecosystem members, visit the Ecosystem Partners page and the End User Members page on our website.



New Content Added to Intel® Network Builders University

July marks another release of content for the Intel® Network Builders University. The new Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Essentials Series within the Basic Training program has two new courses to enhance your skills. This training program is designed to provide conceptual yet practical examples of where various technologies are applied to a service provider's network and how the network transitions from today's physical network to tomorrow's virtualized and agile networks. Additional training modules will be added to this new series in the upcoming months.

The Intel Network Builders University online course content is growing. There are now 29 courses covering a broad spectrum of topics of varying technical difficulty. You can access the content by creating a login here, or for Intel Network Builders members can use their existing member login. We welcome your feedback and new topic ideas for future course development. Email us at university@networkbuilders.intel.com.



Network Transformation Is Laying the Groundwork for 5G

Lynn Comp In this blog post, Lynn Comp, Senior Director of Industry and Sales Enabling for Intel, discusses how network transformation is a path to 5G. Smart phones have become an integral part of our lives, enabling us to keep in touch with family, friends, and co-workers all over the world. Away from home, our phones tell us how to get to places, which items to buy, what's trending on social media, and much more. Where 3G and 4G were about making data faster, 5G is about connecting billions of things to billions of people: sensors, cities, cars, appliances, jet engines, wind farms, agriculture, hospitals, factories, and people. In the next few years, 5G will be here, raising the ante on what's possible.


Technical Spotlight

Technical Spotlight

OpenStack* and OpenDaylight* – Close to Production

OpenStack* is an open source cloud operating system, and OpenDaylight* is a software defined networking (SDN) controller. Despite being designed to work together, system complexity, architectural design, and limited testing have resulted in a brittle integration. In this webinar, Dr. Malini Bhandaru, Architect, Principal Engineer, Intel, and Isaku Yamahata, Cloud Network Architect, Intel, discuss enhancements in OpenStack Mitaka and OpenDaylight Beryllium to address several of these issues.

Watch the Webinar



Accelerating Your Cloud With DPDK

Recent versions of Open vSwitch* (OVS) provide an accelerated data path based on the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) libraries. This acceleration benefits many users, but it is vital for meeting the high performance, high determinism requirements of NFV workloads. In this talk, Stephen Finucane, OpenStack Software Engineer for Intel, explores the work that has been done and the work that is still ongoing to bring the benefits of OVS with DPDK to OpenStack.

Watch the Webinar


Partner News & Collaboration

Partner News
& Collaboration

Featured Publications

Etisalat* and Intel – Virtualizing the Internet Gateway Gi-LAN for Service Flexibility | Download the PDF

In 2015, Etisalat Egypt embarked on an effort to architect and deploy a proof of concept (PoC) test of a Gi-LAN that utilized NFV. The virtualized Gi-LAN PoC proved the viability and performance of a VNF-based implementation.



IneoQuest* and Intel – End-to-End Video Quality Assurance Through Virtualization | Download the PDF

IneoQuest Technologies,* a vendor of video quality assurance (VQA) products, offers comprehensive end-to-end video monitoring and analysis tools within its FoQus* Platform product portfolio. A variety of products are available in virtualized packages, allowing customers to adopt network functions virtualization (NFV) architectures for scalability and deployment flexibility that can keep pace with anticipated growth and the changing manner in which video is stored, transported, and delivered.



Partner Summits

Apply Today for DPDK Developer Lab

Network function virtualization has moved from idea to POC to implementation stage. The challenge still remains to get bare metal performance from virtual machines. In this one day deep-dive session on Monday, July 11, experts from Intel and Berkeley will talk about various options developers have to virtualize network functions using open source Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK), SR-IOV, VT-D, virtio and software switches such as Open vSwitch, and BESS (Berkeley Extensible Software Switch). Experts from relevant teams at Intel will talk about how to use these technologies and squeeze the max out of your bare metal. The day will end with a demo-mixer featuring demos from Brocade, Sandvine, Ineoquest, 6Wind, and GoLang on how they are implementing their NFVs to achieve line rates from 40 Gbps up to Terabits.*

Learn more and submit your application at the Out of the Box Network Developers Meetup page.



Register Now for DPDK Summit USA 2016

The DPDK Summit USA 2016 will be held on August 10 and 11 at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose. The DPDK Summit enables the DPDK community to meet face-to-face and discuss the future direction of the project in a variety of industries. The full agenda is still being determined; it will cover the latest developments to the DPDK framework, plans for future releases, and an opportunity to hear from DPDK users who have used the framework in their applications.

Click here to register for this event.


Upcoming Opportunities


Social Hub

For our ecosystem's latest news, podcasts, webinars, blog posts, and more, visit Social Hub. Recent contributions from our community have included podcasts from 6Wind, KEMP Technologies, Iricent, Oracle, and Telefónica.

Don't miss these recent and upcoming webinars from our ecosystem:

"IP Flow Analytics Enabled by Saisei and DPDK," with Bill Beckett, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Saisei* on July 12 – Register Now

"Validation of Virtual VoLTE using TCS's NFV Concerto," with TCS* and Brocade* on July 14 – Register Now

"What's New with Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8," with Rimma Iontel, Red Hat* Senior Solutions Architect – View On Demand

"A Major Threat Looms to CSP and Enterprise SDN/NFV Success," with Jeremy Rossbach, Senior Product Marketing Manager, and Tim Diep, Director, Product Management, CA Technologies* – View On Demand



Join the Conversation on Twitter* and NetworkIn

Intel® Network Builders offers a variety of online options for you to reach out to fellow ecosystem members between events:


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